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The climate in San Sebastian means that even during the hottest months the climate can feel humid. The region is mild with average temperatures from February to April ranging from 15ºC / 60ºF to 20ºC / 68ºF.
The weather is at its warmest during the months from June- September. For sun lovers July and August are the hottest months when temperatures can rise to 36ºC / 98ºF and the beaches are perfect for sunbathing and swimming with water temperatures of around 22ºC / 70ºF.
The autumn sees a mixture of showery and sunny days. During the months September to November temperatures average around 20ºC / 68ºF and the evening feel cooler as winter approaches.
Although the weather is still fairly mild in December and January, it can be showery with day time temperatures averaging around 9ºC / 48ºF, with water temperatures around 11ºC / 54ºF which means it is still possible to go swimming if the sun is out.
It can get chilly at night though and with the stone or marble floors being bery cold to walk on it's worth taking a pair of warm slippers to wear or some thick socks.
By Linda Craik Google+