You can find out what the weather is like in Palma today in the icon below. If you want a forecast for the next 5 or 10 days then just click on the image.
Palma is the capital of the largest Balearic Island of Majorca. It is situated off the east coast of mainland Spain and enjoys a Mediterranean climate with warm and hot summers when temperatures average between 29-31ºC but they can go up as high as 41ºC. Winters tend to be mild which means that it is a good place to visit all year round with the cooler temperatures attracting golfers and visitors who want to see the main attractions in relative warmth and comfort rather than searing sun.
Mallorca’s annual rainfall varies depending on which part of the island you are on, but the average is the wettest months are between September and November when nearly half of the annual total falls.
The north of the island is less touristy and greener than the south because this is where the most rain falls.
Summer in Mallorca starts at the end of May/beginning of June when you can expect sunshine almost every day until the start of October. The hottest months are from the middle of July to early September when it can feel very uncomfortable and if you are not staying somewhere with air conditioning the nights can be very sticky.
From December until beginning of May the climate is variable. Although the beaches start to fill up in May the sea is still cold. The tourist season starts at Easter.
If you are staying in the south of the island then you will enjoy the milder climate all year round, but northern Majorca is rugged and mountainous with cooler temperatures and more rain.
By Linda Craik Google+