You can obtain a full forecast on the weather in Menorca today and for the next 5 or 10 days. Just click anywhere in the icon below.
The Mediterranean Island of Menorca enjoys around 315 days of sunshine a year. The average summer highs average 28-30ºC (or hotter in the middle of August) with about 75% humidity - even during the winter.
Winters here are relatively mild (compared to the UK) and quite sunny, but strong winds from France can sometimes bring a cold and damp feeling,
Because it suffered from 8 different winds, Menorca is sometimes called the "windy isle". The north wind or tramontana often blows for 150 days a year creating a landscape of rolling green hills and broad valleys on the flat island.
Because of its northern location Menorca is the coolest and the wettest of all the Balearic Islands. It rains more in the interior of the island than on the coast. It also means that it is a very green and brautiful place to visit all year round. It is a small island so temperatures in the south where the airport and port are located (Mahon) and the fishing villages in the north (Ciutadella) are the same.
By Linda Craik Google+
Month | Temperature Range ºC | Daily Hours of Sunshine |
January | 8 - 14 | 3.5 |
February | 8 - 14 | 4.5 |
March | 8 - 16 | 6 |
April | 10 - 18 | 7 |
May | 13 - 21 | 8.5 |
June | 17 - 25 | 10 |
July | 20 - 28 | 11 |
August | 21 - 29 | 10 |
September | 18 - 26 | 7 |
October | 15 -22 | 6 |
November | 11 - 18 | 4 |
December | 8 - 15 | 3 |