
Almeria Weather

almeria weather
Car hire


To find out what today's weather is like in Almeria and get a forecast for the next 5 or 10 days click on the box below

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Almeria can be found in the SE corner of mainland Spain. It has an average annual temperature of 18/19ºC with the most hours of sunshine and least rainfall in Europe.

A lot of the terrain is sparsely populated with a dry desert landscape which is often used as a location to shoot cowboy films and the Planet of the Apes But the province is unusual in that the natural parks have snow capped mountains and it is one Andalucía’s most outstanding wildlife areas with the large Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park.

The Sierra de Gádor Mountains offer protection which allows Almeria to be one of the main agricultural zones in Europe with more than 10,000 hectares of land growing fruit (especially tomatoes), vegetables and flowers.

This very mild, warm and dry Mediterranean climate and cloudless bright blue sky offers warm water temperatures during the winter months so that you can swim in the sea, play golf and other sports all year round.


By Linda Craik Google+

Average Temperatures

Below is a table showing monthly average temperatures:

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
°C 12 12 14 15 18 21 25 25 23 19 15 13
°F 53.6 53.6 57.2 59 64.4 69.8 77 77 73.4 66.2 59 55.4
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Joanne Ingram
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